
Friday 19 August 2011

LONDON is smug, secure, restrained, multicultural, 300 languages spoken; women in Niqabs, men in hoods; teachers can't discipline kids, police touch no one for fear of a lawsuit

, God's in heaven and all's right with the world! The UK is politically correct, all comers get welfare, illegals and lesbian converts can't be deported as they will suffer in their own country; it bends over to please everyone! Two weeks ago it had a shock. Home folk and migrants rioted!
Rioters want the goodies they were hyped to desire but cannot afford. The society parades goods, stirs desire and envy and now wonders why this happened. People want theirs!
This riot and arson should concern us. Why? People failed by a system or who did not seize opportunity still have the power to destroy. Our diaspora is involved and because we are iconic in UK crime - our music is violent, we prompted new laws, special police units for yardies, had the most prolific violent criminal, but caught after 40 years - there may be consequences for us. Crime-wise, we are in a class of our own! Will we now see more racism? Then, as "Jafaican" is the argot of the street, will this affect the diaspora and close doors to visa applicants? The racists have opened a front through historian David Starkey and we must watch it. The irony is that he said what our middle class say all the time: "We send kids to school and they come back talking as if they live in Trench Town with this 'buggu yagga music'." Is this racist too?
The context
People from Iraq risk their lives, pay £10k to gangs, cross continents, seas, Italy, Spain, France; hide in containers and Jamaicans buy birth certificates, light bills and tax papers from diaspora people as both groups want to get to the UK. Why? Once there they are set for life. UK is poor people's paradise. The poor go to the USA, work and make it; some go to the UK and live well without a job. The UK is victim of its liberal policies. These are need-centred and child-focused, but the dole is so close to wages it makes no sense to work. If you "jus cum" with three kids you get a house and benefits! But UK policy also removes parental discipline, emasculates teachers, cows the police and gives kids rights without responsibilities. It outlaws sanctions and uses incentives - cash, movie passes - to elicit good conduct - it fails! It excised competition from schools to protect fragile egos so kids are socialised to think there are no winners or losers. Then they grow up, and guess what? The best schools want first-class students, so do top universities and these get the top jobs! The rest face the truth and regret, envy, anger rise. Betrayed by these fluffy ideals they are ill prepared for the world. But they want the iPhone, tablet just as those who got A's in exams and good jobs and so they riot and loot to get them. There are lessons in this for us too.
What happened?
We saw riots, looting and arson. The man who thinks he has no future has nothing to lose. Such men are dangerous! This was criminal enterprise, nihilism and venality, not race riots. Why did it happen? Police stop-and-search, exclusion, criminality, envy, skewed values, poor parenting, weak policing, liberal courts - all the above. The UK is a "soft touch", so to looters the risk of an anklet, community service, jail - so what? There is no poverty in the UK. Not as we know it. If you have no job or money you get house and money. To get ahead girls have two quick kids as in law you must be housed for the kids' sake. The UK is about kids and a single mother gets more. (In Holland the girl's parents must support her to age 21 so they have few single mothers.) The poor live like some JA middle class.
The sequel
Who were the 3,000 looters? Black and white men, women and kids. The kick-off was the police killing of Mark Duggan (the mother of his three kids does not support the riots) a 29-year-old mixed-race man, alleged criminal, in an area with "nuff a fi wi peple" and a past of tensions with Caribbeans. Police arrested graduate, soldier, model, ballet dancer, plumber, 13-year-old with axe, salesman, parson pickney and many others, black and white.
The police
The police were subdued as they got a kicking from the courts and the public over recent student demos. They watched looting impassively. They protect people, not merchants' goods. UK street policing is tame to Jamaica's and prison is a hotel. This may change soon. PM Cameron now wants Bill Bratton, the police chief who cleaned up NY and LA to do the same for London. Strange how we ask UK police for help when our crime scenario is like the USA. The UK has over 40 police forces but none carry firearms. London police fire guns about a dozen times this year - we fire a dozen a day - community policing is their forte and the rank and file do not want guns. London is to get a new police chief, but chiefs of other UK forces hesitate to apply though two women are in the running. Mr Ellington should offer advice to their police modernisation team as sadly, our people are big players in London crime.
The courts
Courts are sitting at night, Saturday and Sunday all over the UK to clear cases. Prompt justice is God's work! Is this an example of how to clear our own backlog of cases?
The media
The media are in there too and Daily Express "Reclaim the Streets" project kicked off and Wayne Rooney, with his new hair transplant, donated a week's pay ($9m) to the cause.
Notting Hill Carnival is now in jeopardy. Thanks to the riots it may be cancelled or cut back. Caribbean exporters, small businesses and our people in the UK would suffer.
Looting went viral as BlackBerry Messenger - mobilised "lootmobs". The poor have BBM and its dedicated servers mean the police could not intercept texts. Still CCTV works! Police analysts are trawling through 20,000 hours of film of the week and miscreants are identified daily. Technology makes police and looters more efficient.
Moral hazard
New morality says; "I am poor, had a single parent, have no certificates, so society must shield me from the consequences of my actions." Not so! Poverty is no excuse. UK politicians are not in the top 10 per cent salary bracket, some fiddled expenses and were jailed. Our politicians are in the top 10 per cent salaries bracket here, yet we jail none for corruption. Moral decay at the top explains a lot of what happens at the bottom but does not excuse it. An existential issue in UK courts is, "How do you punish poor people?" What can you deprive them of? Benefits (taxes) pay for their house, food, etc. But prison costs the taxpayer three times as much - who really suffers? Riot-torn Britain asks for no aid from us but if they send ours to us and pay us the £40k per year it costs to keep each in jail, prison here could make a profit and we return them after they serve their time. Why not? Stay conscious, my friend!


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